Media24 has adopted the following privacy principles.
Our senior management emphasise the importance of data privacy and its relationship to trust, brand, growth, risk and compliance to their teams. The CEO designated a data protection lead or team of individuals responsible for data protection, defined where they are best placed within the organisation, and ensured sufficient resources are devoted to privacy programme management.
We know what personal information we hold/control and for which purposes we process that information. We also know the systems used to manage the personal information and clearly define access rights to the personal information.
We adopted certain policy documents to support the implementation of the privacy principles. These include a consumer privacy policy, a Human Resources privacy policy, a security policy and a data breach/incident response plan.
We offer privacy training that informs employees about the related and relevant company policies, as well the principles that apply and how their roles are impacted by data privacy requirements.
Where personal information sharing is contemplated, we are prepared to (a) scrutinise prospective partners to evaluate compatibility with the privacy principles and policies, (b) require confidentiality and/or data processing agreements to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal information that is shared, and (c) audit vendors using risk-based criteria.
Media24’s Legal Compliance Officer supports businesses by helping to ensure that applicable laws and their specific requirements are met.
We are able to demonstrate compliance with the privacy principles, the Data Privacy Programme elements, and with applicable data protection laws, and are prepared to report on the above to Media24 executives, internal audit, the Media24Board Committees and Board, or to external Regulatory authorities, as appropriate
40 Heerengracht
Cape Town
South Africa
Please click here to submit any request regarding your personal information that is processed by Media24.
If you are dissatisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you have the right to refer it to the Information Regulator, the supervisory authority for data protection issues in South Africa.
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