Welkom Yizani

Shareholders of Welkom Yizani accepted Media24’s cash offer to buy out all the shares at a special general meeting held on 22 January 2021. The transaction has been concluded, Welkom Yizani was delisted from the Equity Express Securities Exchange (EESE) and the scheme is being unwound.

Therefore, Media24 will no longer publish its financial results, nor an integrated annual report. For information on Media24’s business performance in the 2020/21 financial year and going forward, please visit naspers.com/investors/overview for the most recent announcements and publications.

All Welkom Yizani shareholders not yet contacted by the transfer secretaries, please call Singular Services on 0860 12 12 24 or email welkomyizani@singularservices.co.za for more information.

Click here for access to the Welkom Yizani website.